Integrating User Experience and Behavioural Design: A pilot project to help students better understand data and how to clean it


Data cleaning is a crucial skill required by every researcher, yet there is little time dedicated (or even available) to formally teach data cleaning principles and procedures within psychology statistics classes. The aim of this current project is to develop online learning-focused content centered around data cleaning as way to promote a deeper understanding of data. However, designing this type of content, and its organizational structure, needs to consider both user experience (UX) and behavioural design right from its inception if it aims to effectively accomplish its learning objectives. Evaluation methods for UX will be discussed along with how behavioural design elements can be leveraged to increase the overall UX and promote the desired learning outcomes.

Apr 11, 2022 10:30 AM
Quantitative Methods Forum
Toronto, Canada
Mark Christopher Adkins
Mark Christopher Adkins
PhD Candidate

My research interests include Monte Carlo Simulations, statistical consulting, and statistical pedagogy.