
So, you want to be a SimDesign(er)? v2

The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate how to write safe, effective, and intuitive R code for Monte Carlo simulation experiments presented at the PsyPag & MSCP-Section Simulation Summer School

Preregistration: A Practical Guide

Workshop around the why and how of preregistering psychologicical research.

So, you want to be a SimDesign(er)?

The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate how to write safe, effective, and intuitive R code for Monte Carlo simulation experiments.

Small Steps Towards Reproducible Data Analyses

Open and transparent reporting of scientific findings is an integral part of establishing the credibility and accountability of any line of research. With many journals accepting and promoting open data and materials, there is a need for researchers to have both the technical skills to implement open science practices and the commitment to improving the quality of their shared data and materials.

Better (and Quicker) Data Cleaning Using R and the Tidyverse

Data cleaning workshop presented at the CPA 2020 Virtual Conference. Slides for each section are viewable via the links on this page.